Bedtime stories, sleep easy

Many kids go to bed when their parents are not yet home. They sleep early because they are tired after a long school day studying and playing with friends. As a result, they not only miss saying good night to their parents, but they also miss that bedtime story.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Many kids go to bed when their parents are not yet home. They sleep early because they are tired after a long school day studying and playing with friends. As a result, they not only miss saying good night to their parents, but they also miss that bedtime story.

Bedtime stories have many advantages. When narrated to children, the soothing voice of the parent calms the child and helps them to sleep easily.

Bedtime stories create happy childhood memories for children and provide a special bond between a child and parent. This happens because of the time parents spend interacting with their children.

Trust and love grows between the parent and child. Since these stories carry great meaning, children learn moral values. They also perform better at school because they learn how to read, listen and write at an early age.

Just like any person, children also have their own worries. It can be at school, about their physical appearance or about home. When told bedtime stories, they relax and feel safe and encouraged.

Spending only ten minutes everyday to tell bedtime stories to children is so wonderful. Unlike video games or TV, which cost money and strain a child’s brain, a bed time story is just the best thing a child can have before going to sleep.
