Why every school should have writing clubs
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Writing clubs are composed of students that come together to learn the art or craft of writing. Usually, such clubs are led by literature teachers who guide students on the principles of writing. It is the responsibility of the school administrators or teachers to give an opportunity to students to exercise writing.

"It is through writing clubs that one develops critical-thinking skills and self-expression. Writing helps you note done what you might not be able to speak,” says Brenda Uwase, an aspiring author.  

She notes, writing clubs assist students to develop the love of writing and exercise it more. However, to be a writer, you have to be a good reader. Through reading a number of pieces, or publications from other writers, you are equipped with knowledge on how to be a better writer each day.

Michael Koch, a teacher and the country director at Rafiki International School Rwanda, Bugesera, explains that writing is ‘art with words’.  Just as a piece of art is able to convey meaning and emotion, so should words. 

He notes that learning to write properly is a fulfillment of a good language arts education.  It enables the writer to be winsome and persuasive at the same time.  Writing clubs which are properly structured and managed help the learners to gain this ability.

Uwase also says that writing clubs help students explain their views in a way a reader can paint a picture of what the author is writing about by using four types of writing.

There is expository (the kind of writing in which author’s purpose is to inform or explain the subject to the reader.

There is persuasive (writing that states the opinion of the writer and attempts to influence the reader.) Narrative (writing in which the author tells a story, it can be could be fact or fiction), and descriptive (a type of expository writing that uses the five senses to paint a picture for the reader, it brings out imagery and specific details), she says.

Uwase explains that writing clubs guide students to communicate efficiently, that is to say, writing can surpass time and is a way to pass on stories from generation to generation since information doesn’t rot.

According to Enock Luyonza, the author of "Beyond Walls”, writing clubs groom you to think better, and smarter. It is through those clubs that writing permits students to collect spread thoughts and ideas, and direct them into important information.

Uwase adds, through writing, students can focus on phonics, comprehension, mechanics, rising their voice or perspective, and communicating this view to others. It is through writing that you craft information in a way that makes sense to the reader.

Luyonza notes that teachers should form a conducive environment that supports effective writing. A good writer is one that practices every day. It is for this matter that writing clubs are important, as they push and remind you that you have to put down something every day, no matter how brief it is. With practice, you learn to iron out writing mistakes like grammar, tense, among others.

He further says that writing clubs groom students to keep records. What you write today, may be very important now and the years to come, and might cause an impact on the society and the country at large.

He says, for those who yearn to be good writers, they should be willing to challenge themselves to write more often and also find mentors, especially authors, to guide them.

Simon Peter Nzaramba, a teacher at Lycee Notre-Dame de Citeaux, Kigali says, "Writing clubs impart a sense of creativity to students at an early age to shape their thinking of how they can inform the world about the issues that take place, and seek means to creating change where it is needed.”

Writing gives a voice to the writer to articulate any information they wish, it can be a story, news, novel, or even song, he notes.

Isa Kiyingi, a language teacher at CCI-Essi-Nyamirambo, says there are so many issues that one can’t be able to express, not that they can’t speak or that they are unable to air out their views, but because they can only be quenched by the use of a pen and paper.

He notes that stories inspire many people virtually and thoroughly. Therefore, writing clubs give a platform to be heard in a short time by many people.

Nzaramba says writing clubs create room for training future authors. Learners may have a dream but could lack ideas of how to start. However, through guidance, they can turn out to be like the renowned authors worldwide, hence, positioning Rwanda on the world map, about its culture, history, among other issues that the world may be interested in knowing.

Kiyingi notes that writing exposes students to a variety of interests and careers, they can be journalists, secretaries, PROs or authors.
