Being present in the moment
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Look at the world we currently live in. A big number of the population ranging from 10-year-olds to the elderly are neck bent towards the ground with eyes glued to their phones. Of course technology is an inevitable storm that has swept the world and is still doing so. However, since the storm hit, there has been a true disconnect between people, each other and the world.

Ages ago in Rwanda culture, appreciation of art, dance and song was a massive part of that which was treasured the most. Yes indeed, civilisation swept through and brought about an ease of doing a variety of things; things that offered people the same kind of entertainment but in a new and improved manner. Even so, it diminished the connection of man to the surrounding. 

Do you visit a beautiful area or place and the first thing you do is pull out your phone and post about where you are? It is not wrong to share with the world your moments, however, when that becomes all that you are fixated on, it ruins the moment.

There are numerous benefits that come with living in the moment and not letting peer pressure get to us. The fact that someone’s first instinct when they encounter something compelling is to brag to the world is no satisfaction at all. Trying to prove to the people around you that you live an exotic life every day kind of takes away the essence. 

The pressure of competing with another person’s lifestyle is thrown off when you place your phone down. You are able to let all the goodness of your surrounding sink in. only then will you fully appreciate the beauty of nature.

Reduced anxiety and depression, improved attention, increased happiness and greater self-awareness is a token of what is derived from living in the moment. In many occasions, even when you decide you are going to hang out with a couple of your friends, 70 per cent of the time is spent on devices. This creates a disjoint. In order for us to evolve as a race, communication is key, face-to-face communication to be precise.

There was a time when phones were attached to the walls. I am sure people left the house, carried on with work, made time for grabbing a snack with friends, and picked the kids up from school.

Different connections, whether work-related or social, can be established through genuine conversations that are held face-to-face, where you can see for yourself someone’s emotional response towards something, as opposed to being sent an emoji as an expression.

Once in a while people need a break from the devices that disconnect us from nature and each other. Yes, everything is going digital as we evolve. Nonetheless, our emotions are still intact, even though emoji’s seem to be taking over, but they cannot truly express total happiness, heartache or disappointment, the way facial interaction can.