By providing quality education, we envision the future we want
Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Quality education has been a global outcry for ages and though a lot has been done to address this, many setbacks still prevail. This is why players in the education sector should orient their attention to the general picture and influence effective policies in this pursuit.

Deng-Xiaoping, a Chinese politician, believed that education is the foundation of a country’s development and that players in the education sector must up their game by thinking both locally and globally, because with this, the wave of global demands will be harnessed within their local context.

It is also important to note that quality education can only be achieved holistically with all responsible players working together to meet the excellence that is needed in education.

Teacher-centred learning is key

Teachers are the critical players in education; they plan how schools are to be managed and how learning is facilitated in addition to orchestrating instructional interactions with and between students around academic content, yet these classroom interactions are so ideal in influencing learning.

Teacher-centric gauge is globally viewed as an important tool, this is why for quality education to be achieved, it has to be key. Teachers, on the other hand, need to be trained on efficiency; love for their profession and courses in teaching should be highly competitive such that the profession is dominated by highly skilled experts.

There is also need to investigate materials used in classroom instruction. Challenges of quality education will not be accurately solved if responsible parties do not investigate classroom materials used as a mode of instruction.

A policy agenda should be set in place to promote instructional practices where teachers employ their informative moves in classrooms that best facilitate students’ interactions with academic content.

There can also be an establishment of baseline practices for classroom teaching that are non-negotiable, but also leave room for professional judgment, invention and flexibility. This approach to policy acknowledges that there are some basic hallmarks of classroom teaching that all teachers should be expected to exhibit in their practice, and that these professional norms establish the structure that enables professional learning among teachers about their practice. This will certainly be the basis of quality education.

The writer is a PhD student at Beijing Normal University