These super healthy foods must be included in your 2019 diet plan
Sunday, January 06, 2019

Eating some healthy foods daily does not mean you have to go out of the box. Some easily available foods are also extremely nutritious and can do wonders for your health. Have a look at the diet plan of 2019!

Eating healthy and nutritious foods is extremely important in all walks of life. Your diet plays in an important role in shaping your body. It can help you stay healthier and fit and most importantly protect you from numerous illnesses. Eating some healthy foods daily does not mean you have to go out of the box. Some easily available foods are also extremely nutritious and can do wonders for your health. Nutritious foods like fresh and organic produce are packed with essential nutrients and should be on top of your grocery carts.


One of the most easily available food, eggs can easily be incorporated into a balanced diet. Extremely nutritious and versatile, they can be added to many meals. They are rich in protein and contain many other vitamins, like B-2, and B-12, which are important for energy and red blood cells. Even the yolk of the egg contains many nutrients. It contains healthy fats and cholesterol. Therefore, eggs are super healthy and must be a part of your diet.


Oatmeal is an excellent source of soluble fibre. Oatmeal if eaten in the morning breakfast can do wonders for your health. Rich in fibre they help in curbing hunger pangs and control blood sugar levels. You can have oatmeal with skimmed milk or yoghurt to make it even more nutritious.


Loaded with protein, lentils are again inexpensive and versatile. Along with protein, they are also contain dietary fibre and folate. Lentils like beans, kidney beans and chickpeas can be easily incorporated into your diet. Lentils along with rice make a wholesome meal packed with essential nutrients.


Nothing can beat the nutrient composition of fresh fruits. Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories. Also, no fruit has cholesterol. Fruits contain many essential nutrients including potassium, dietary fibre, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants fruits help you keep full for longer thereby helping in losing weight. Eating plenty of fruits everyday can reduce your risk of diseases and boost your immunity. You can eat fruits for breakfast, make a fresh fruit juice or add it into your smoothies.


We all have heard time and again that vegetables offer numerous health benefits. Vegetables are likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Loaded with vital nutrients, powerful antioxidants and fibre, vegetables should be included in your daily diet. Vegetables contain essential vitamins including folate, vitamin A, K and vitamin B6, as well as carotenoids like beta-carotene. Vegetables contain essential nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body. Rich in fibre they also help in weight loss as they promote fullness.
