Why kids need rules
Tuesday, January 01, 2019
With consistent rules, children will learn to manage their time . Net photo.

Too much freedom without limits can easily put kids off the right path. They need some restrictions to understand what is expected of them and what will happen if they violate the rules. Every parent or teacher ought to set rules for the little ones to be guided on what to do. This is why you should put some limits.

They prepare children for the real world. Rules teach children to understand what they are expected of, and they are able to know what happens if they fail to act the way they are required to.  They, therefore, need to know what to do and what to avoid. Provide rules and don’t allow them to be broken. For instance, if a child is supposed to sit down and eat, they should always do so.

Rules teach kids manners. When you set rules and regulations, for example; training your kids to say "please,” when they need something, "sorry,” if they wronged someone, "thank you,” when they are given something, "excuse me,” if they need permission or before interrupting people in the middle of a conversation. If this is followed, you are grooming children at a tender age. Those morals will be fresh and practiced even when they grow. Sometimes you need to go the hard way to train kids. Discipline them if they don’t follow the rules.

Rules bring order. Certain rules train a child to do the right things even before they are reminded. For instance, they will be able to brush their teeth when they wake up, greet people at home and school, put their dirty clothes in the laundry basket, comb their hair and smear themselves with body oil after showering. This gives them some sense of responsibility; every child deserves to have that chance. Don’t do for them everything; rather, teach them how to do different tasks themselves.

Rules make kids feel proficient. A kid who knows what is required of him or her, will do it whether you notice them or not. They will know that it is not right to speak while chewing food or to eat while standing, or switching off lights when it is time to sleep.

Kids are kept safe. Rules are set to protect kids. For example, playing while eating might not be allowed as food might choke the child. Watching TV late in the night is stopped as kids need to sleep early so that they are able to wake up early.

Rules enhance confidence. Putting limits to kids keeps them confident and independent as they can be able to do some tasks themselves without your assistance.

Limits keep kids healthy. When you limit kids to eat junk like chocolate or ice cream every day, you are helping them avoid poor healthy habits or diseases.

Limits help kids manage rough emotions. Sometimes parents avoid setting limits because they don’t want to make their children sad or moody. However, learning how to deal with uncomfortable emotions is actually an important skill. Don’t feel bad if you refuse your child to do something that is not right just because you want to please them.

Regulations also help kids learn to love, care, be generous, able to solve problems and respect others.

While setting rules, do not be so strict on kids, consider the child’s age, don’t be so easy, be consistent (if you don’t like something, do not let your child do it at any time), give kids a chance to have a say while setting rules (don’t put rules alone without discussing with them or listening to their side).
