Why I won’t introduce Santa Claus to my children
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Millennials have taken to adopting all sorts of trends from the western part of the world. You can tell from their clothes, lifestyles, dreams, parenting styles and even their accents when they speak a foreign language.

In fact, some of them proudly declare that they cannot speak their mother tongues.

Some trends are not all bad and in fact make us more evolved as human beings. But there are some trends that just do not make sense and are followed for lack of originality or out of sheet mimicry.

One of those trends is telling young children that there is an old unshaven man who lives on the North Pole, and every year during Christmas children can send him a list of gifts they want and he will deliver them on a sleigh while they sleep.

I want to state plainly that I will not introduce my future offspring to Santa Claus. The most obvious reason for this is that Christmas isn’t about them.

And I know that I will love them far too much to instill the attitude that they are the earth’s axis and everything revolves around them because they will be in for a rude awakening when they get older.

My children will need to learn about modesty and gratitude. When I watch movies and see children from western countries throwing tantrums because "Santa didn’t give me the (outrageously expensive) gift I asked for,” it just really irks me.

If they are old enough to put a full sentence together, they are old enough to understand that they can’t always get what they want, and that they should be grateful for what they have.

The notion that Santa Claus makes a list and "checks it twice” so that only those who have been good get gifts is a wrong value to instill in a child. My child will need to know that being good is supposed to be a thankless necessity.

Good behavior should not be motivated by reward. I don’t want to raise the sort of children who when they pick someone’s lost wallet, they demand for payment before they give it back to the owner.

I won’t introduce my children to Santa Claus because I want them to understand that celebration can happen without extravagance and materialism. Christmas shouldn’t ‘suck’ because no one gave you anything. It should be enough that you spend time with your family.

My children will need to understand that you don’t have to do something just because everyone is doing it. I don’t understand why the lie is passed on from one generation to the next.

You tell your child that Santa Claus exists until they are old enough to find out that it’s not true and then they passed on the same information to their children. What’s that about?

So even as I go to a Christmas party tonightwhere children are going to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what they want for Christmas, I know my children won’t be doing that.