Stop discriminating against people with disability

Some families and other people regard disabled persons as disadvantaged and that they should not enjoy equal social benefits.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Some families and other people regard disabled persons as disadvantaged and that they should not enjoy equal social benefits.

They even try to hide them from the sight of their visitors and neighbours. This makes the disabled feel out of place; they feel as if they are not members of society.

And up to now, some persons with disabilities are habitually treated as different and less important persons or as not having the same rights and needs as other people.

In many cases, misunderstanding and discrimination can be a bigger barrier to disabled persons than their disability itself. It’s paramount to note that people with disabilities are entitled to the same rights as anybody else in the community.

They have the potential to work in everyday life and do just about every job that society desires to be done and sometimes, they are capable of adapting to situations and ways due to their particular disability.

Therefore, it should be noted that disabled persons are an integral part of society and should always share equal social benefits like others and those discriminating against them should be dealt with accordingly as the law prescribes.

Kigali City