EDITORIAL: We have our own stories to tell, why don’t we?
Monday, October 08, 2018
African Youth Connekt Summit that is taking place in Kigali brings together 2,500 from across Africa. (File)

Over 2,500 young people from all over the continent are meeting in Kigali for yet another edition of YouthConnekt summit.

The concept of providing the youth with skills, information and networking and generally helping them to redirect their energy to improve their lot, is a simple but an important one.

It has of late quickly attracted the attention of eight countries who have understood the importance of harnessing the youthful energy in creating better societies. Liberia, Republic of Congo, DR Congo, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Gambia, Zambia and Cape Verde have all come on board.

But this important piece of information will never find its way in some of our regional - leave alone continental - news channels.

They are busy copy-pasting news that a Chinese national and head of Interpol disappeared in China. If not that, they will join the debate as to the fate of a Saudi citizen who entered into his country’s consulate never to come out.

We are always saying that we should tell our own story, but instead of highlighting positive and inspiring stories from our continent, we are hooked in parroting mainstream media’s narrative.

The young people meeting in Kigali are the continent’s future. It will depend on them whether we thrive or fail and should, therefore, be given the attention they deserve. But no; we are engrossed in the American Supreme Court battles - and - even taking sides.

Africa has over 400 million young people; that number alone should make us look up with attention and look for ways to make them productive. Is that really too much to ask of our media fraternity?