Man held for beheading girl friend in gruesome murder

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — Police in Bwishyura Sector, Karongi District, are holding a man for allegedly murdering his girl friend.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


KARONGI — Police in Bwishyura Sector, Karongi District, are holding a man for allegedly murdering his girl friend.

Michel Hakizimana 25, a resident of Gacaca Cell in Rubengera Sector, is said to have killed using  a machete, Saveline Nyirangaruka 20, on January 16. Nyirangaruka was seven months pregnant, and the two had reportedly been in a relationship for quite sometime.

According to a statement from Bwishyura Police Post which was availed to  The New Times, the deceased’s beheaded body was found in a trench near Hakizimana’s residence.

Hakizimana’s neighbours, who spoke to The New Times, said the suspect first impregnated the deceased but later denied it, and had on several occasions threatened to kill her, for reportedly holding him responsible for the pregnancy.

This was after the deceased unsuccessfully sought to abort but was advised to first ask her partner for consent. After luring  her into staying with her ,on the fateful day, the sources allege, Hakizimana hatched a plan to kill her.

In an interview, Hakizimana admitted to the killing, saying he was helped by his friend only identified as Damascene.

‘I first gave her poison and later my friend helped me to cut off her neck after we realised that poison would not kill her’,he said from the Police post, adding that he killed her to conceal the pregnancy.

He explained that they rolled her head in a polythene bag and dumped the body in a trench.

Both Hakizimana and Damascene have been working as watchmen at a nearby business man’s premises. However, Damascene is still on the run.  
