Learn to be yourself
Tuesday, August 07, 2018
Embrace who you are and focus on what is important . Photo by Dennis Agaba

Many pupils find it hard to be who they really are. Sometimes, they want to look, or be like, their peers whom they think look great, dress better or have more. In trying to be like someone else, we ignore who we truly are.

Our teacher once told us that when you try hard to be like someone else you end up losing your own direction and lose focus on what is important.

It might be hard to embrace who you are or how you look — especially, but the fact is once you do, you start appreciating yourself and your abilities.

Personally, I used to admire my fellow pupils. Most times, this made me feel bad about myself, and I’d ask, why can’t I be like them, or look like them? But the solution was within me, I just didn’t know it. 

Later on, my mother noticed that I had low self-esteem and my perception about others was affecting my daily life. She sat me down and told me how important it was to be myself, to appreciate what I have, and how I look. I realised many good things that I had ignored about myself, yet they are key in my life.

Today, I believe I’m unique, talented, smart and good looking, just like everyone else. And I have embraced who I am and it’s a good feeling. As children, we need to believe we are as good as other people are.

Moral of the story; Be happy. Be yourself.

The writer is a 14-year-old, Primary Six student