What medicine should I avoid during pregnancy?
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dear Doctor,

I am two months pregnant with my first baby. I have not had any complications, and it seems to be going smoothly. I would like to know, however, about taking medications during pregnancy. For example, I’m used to taking painkillers when I have a headache, is that still safe? What medication should I stay away from? Natalie


Dear Natalie,

Accept my heartiest congratulations on your first pregnancy. First pregnancy is very exciting for a new mother-to-be, but it also causes a lot of anxiety, months seems to be a very long period of time, especially when emotions and concerns cloud the mind.

One of the worries during pregnancy regards food and medicine, what to take and what not to take. A lot of information is passed through older women in the family and neighbourhood. Some information is got from the internet by modern day women.

The body of the baby is formed during the first three months (first trimester) of pregnancy. At this stage, one has to be very careful, as several medicines can harm and cause some damage in the organ formation, resulting in physical defects in the new born baby. However, some vitamin supplements like folic acid are very safe to take during this period. From the 4th month onwards, there is growth of the foetal body gradually, till time of delivery. At this time, the risk of foetal defects is comparatively reduced.

Some medicines like anti-vomiting medicines, acidity reducing medicines, anti-cold medicines like loratidine, steroid inhaler for asthma, saline drops, iron and calcium supplements, painkillers like acetaminophen, can be taken. If one has high blood pressure or diabetes, or develops these problems during pregnancy, a healthcare provider should be consulted on what medicines one can take to control this problem. Some medicines are safe, whereas some can cause problems for both the mother and baby during pregnancy.

However excess vitamins, particularly vitamin A and E, can be harmful. Best dictum to remember when pregnant is, avoid taking any medicine till absolutely necessary. It is said that common side effects of all available medicines are well known. But some rare adverse effects can still occur, which may harm the mother and or baby. If you do consider something as essential, check with a medical personnel before taking it. A product voucher is available with all medicines. This states the mechanism of action of the drug, its uses, doses and side effects, including whether it is safe during pregnancy or not. It is better to read the product information before using the drug.                                               Dr. Rachna   Pande is a specialist in internal medicine.