Why young Hollywood is ready to settle down
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Justine Bieber(left) and Ariana Grande (right)

23.6. That is the average age of three young couples that have recently got engaged in Hollywood after all dating for less than a year: Justin Bieber, 24, and Hailey Baldwin, 21; Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson (both 24 at the time of the proposal), and Joe Jonas, 28, and Sophie Turner, who was 21 when she said yes.

So while the rest of us seem to be waiting longer than ever to get married, why does it seem like young Hollywood is so ready to settle down?

One of the main reasons millennials are waiting longer than their parents did to settle down is to focus on their careers and become financially independent, a feat a majority of these young celebrities accomplished before even getting their driver’s permit.

While you were hoping your crush would walk past you in school, Bieber was staging a world tour, selling out the biggest stadiums in every major country. Consider it growing up in reverse.

Let’s face it, these stars have not had normal childhoods, with their highs and lows well-documented and commented on by the adoring (and sometimes admonishing) public. One wrong move and an empire crumbles? A lot of pressure on such a young set of shoulders.

Since becoming famous at such a young age, just 12 when he was discovered, Bieber has been open about his struggles with growing up in the spotlight.

"You get lonely, you know, when you’re on the road. People see the glam and the amazing stuff, but they don’t know the other side. This life can rip you apart,” he told NME in 2015. "’[I get depressed] all the time. And I feel isolated. You’re in your hotel room and there are fans all around, paparazzi following you everywhere, and it gets intense. When you can’t go anywhere or do anything alone you get depressed. I would not wish this upon anyone.”

