Know your rights: How disabled children ought to be treated at school
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sometimes people are born with, or get physical or mental conditions that limit their capabilities. Such people are said to have disabilities and they require extra support in order to access education. For this reason, Ministerial Order N°007/2016 of 01/03/2016 determining modalities for special treatment of persons with disabilities in schools was instituted.

Article 2 of Ministerial Order N°007/2016 of 01/03/2016 says that the state is mandated with supporting pupils or students with disabilities from poor families. This is done by providing scholastic requirements at all levels of education and in all types of educational institutions; whether specialised or ordinary.

If a person with disabilities meets the requirements for attending a government subsidised higher learning institution, he/she is entitled to bursaries or study loans. Additionally, the government is responsible for helping the person to get accommodation at school.

Money for supporting persons with disabilities in lower levels of education is to be provided by the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC). According to article 3 of Ministerial Order N°007/2016 of 01/03/2016, every annual budget should have funds for supporting students with disabilities.  Those who are in higher learning institutions are to be assisted by the public agency in charge of bursary and loans.

Article 4 of the Ministerial Order determining modalities for special treatment of persons with disabilities in schools, says that if a person with disabilities is studying in an ordinary school, teachers of such a school are responsible for providing special care. This includes sensitising students so that they respect the rights of a person with disabilities and provide the necessary assistance.

If a pupil or person with disabilities cannot use the learning materials designed for everyone else, a teacher has to provide materials that are specific to the pupil/student’s needs. Heads of schools are to provide facilitation for the acquisition of such materials.

Article 4 of determining modalities for special treatment of persons with disabilities in schools, states that a person with disabilities can have special exams if he/she is unable to sit the same exams under the same conditions as everyone else.

Teacher training institutions are responsible for teaching how to assist pupils or students with disabilities so that they can study without obstacles. This is par article 5 of the Ministerial Order determining modalities for special treatment of persons with disabilities in schools.

Article 6 of Ministerial Order N°007/2016 of 01/03/2016 says that organs in charge of education such as Ministry of Education have a responsibility to provide the materials needed by pupils or students with disabilities. It is also their task to upgrade the skills of those who are teaching people with disabilities through continuous trainings so that they can continue to help them in a special way.

New schools must be built in compliance with article 7 of Ministerial Order N°007/2016 of 01/03/2016 which says that new school infrastructure must be constructed in a way that makes it possible for persons with disabilities to access all the venues.