Editorial: Skills transfer from the Diaspora a sound idea
Saturday, June 23, 2018

The government has announced plans to recruit members of the Diaspora with particular skills to help transfer them to TVET schools.

The exercise will be done in conjunction with International Organisation for Migration (IOM) which will help track and recruit skilled trainers. This is not the first time that such an exercise of reverse brain drain takes place. Some years ago the IOM was also involved in repatriating skilled workers who played or are still playing important roles in the development of the country.

It is true that most people in the Diaspora have better living conditions and most might not be tempted to be pried away from their comfort zones. So it will need innovative but flexible perks approaches to convince them.

But as far as living conditions are concerned, Rwanda today can match any country if not better; maybe the difference would be the paycheck.

Even though permanent trainers would be ideal, short term solutions should also be considered. Many come here for holidays and it is an expensive undertaking. The possibility of throwing in perks such as free air tickets in exchange for their donating time in the training centres and earning something on the side could do the trick.

However, our diplomatic representatives should not remove their foot from the gas pedal in drumming up the patriotic sense of our people in the Diaspora. They should see it as giving back to their communities and a nationalist obligation. After all, who would not like to be part of making history?