Starting the thinking journey
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Since time immemorial, human beings — starting from our forerunners, the Adams, have ingeniously found a way to cast the blame on other people. ‘It wasn’t me’ must be one of the most repeated phrases in every language of all time. When the topic of why are our children not thinking as they should be comes up, guess who gets the blame? Not the parents certainly, yet they are the ones responsible for almost everything, including modeling the right thinking behaviour from conception. Yes, surprised? A child begins to get influenced by the environment around him or her while inside the mother’s womb. So if the parents are speaking things that are not well thought out, guess who comes out with faulty thinking skills?

Once born, the child continues to learn through observing and listening to the immediate people in its surroundings. So how can parents model great thinking skills and encourage creativity? The following ideas seem simple but they require deliberate effort and patience. Once you practice them a couple of times, they should start to come naturally and you will register changes in your child, regardless of their age. Are you ready?

One very straightforward activity is to give your child choices, for example, asking them if they want to eat after they bathe, or before they bathe, and then explaining to them the effects of the two choices.

For instance, you can say, "If you eat after you bathe, you may drop food on your clothes and then you will have to bathe again. So Shema, what do you think you should do?” This question compels the child to think through what you have said and then they are able to make an informed decision. After repeated experiences, the child will be able to think and tell you why they are making that choice. On your side, this requires that you honour their choice even though it is not the best. This helps the child to realise that they can trust your word and that your advice is sound.

Continuously affirming your child’s ability will do wonders for their thinking ability. Once you assure the child that they are smart and you can trust them to make good decisions, they will definitely start to believe it and act smart. You are happy, your child is happy and the world is a better place just because you dared to start the thinking journey.