Rising above money
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
A city dweller uses her tap and go card on a Kigali bus. File

Has there been a time when there was no money in any of its forms – barter, mineral, paper, plastic, digital or otherwise?  More importantly, will there be a time when we do not need to use cash? Could it be because there were adequate resources for everyone and there was no need to exchange anything for something else? But what about services; surely not everyone could be able to do the different professions;  treat themselves for all the ailments, fix the farming or hunting tools, educate their children, listen to cases and execute justice, make clothes and at the same time grow food. Or could they?  Some ‘primitive’ tribes have managed to maintain this status quo – no cash and still living. What does that tell you about possessing cash? 

Communistic societies did attempt to promote that ideology but clearly it did not succeed as seen in its downfall in great nations like China, Russia and closer to home, Tanzania.

That brings the question what causes value to an object, service or concept?  Consequently, you ask yourself, how much value do you attach to material things or services?

Ideally you would think that the beauty of such an utopian society would be a lessening of the social evils such as overriding greed that compels one to get money at all costs, disproportionate distribution of resources where some universities in some parts of the world have a higher budget than a whole country’s budget, where people are forced to be in dismal conditions because they have to be dominated by others who possess the cash.

Also genuineness would be seen in many ways: in marriages, production of items and the quality of work done.

But with these and many more evils gone, other vices will start to manifest as for some reason, people just have to compete and suppress others that may not be as ‘fortunate’ as they are.

Dream on. You may say to me, and I may agree with you that yes, a cashless economy may not be one hundred per cent possible, but perhaps you and I can make it possible to a certain extent. By devaluing the attachment that is given to certain things and services, money can lose some of its prominence. If I can clean the street in front of my house, give you a free lift, volunteer to teach children in the community then money is not the driving factor anymore and that makes me and you rightfully rise above MONEY!