The beginner’s guide to exercise
Sunday, May 20, 2018

If you’re just getting started on your fitness journey, you might be feeling overwhelmed by the wealth of information out there. But don’t over-think it! As a beginner you want to keep things simple and stick to the fundamentals. Some of the most important fitness fundamentals are choosing activities you enjoy doing, actually doing it, and listening to your body.

Skip the fad diets, the latest must-do fitness class, and any articles promising that they’ll help you lose weight from just your belly, thighs or arms. If you’re going to lose weight and get fit, you’ll have to do it the only way that works. The old-fashioned way. Cut back on calories. Eat a healthy and varied diet so while reducing calories, you’re not losing out on vitamins and minerals. And move more. That’s all it is right there. Really.

Here you’ll find some great practical advice to help you get started on your quest for better fitness.


Whatever kind of exercise you do, you should do it properly. The way you perform an exercise is often called your form. Proper exercise form means you do your exercises as effectively and efficiently as possible while minimising your risk of injury. Using too much weight, doing too many reps, being tired or simply not knowing what you are doing can result in bad form. It’s better to do a few less reps if you’re strength training or shorten the length of your cardio workout, and do it with good form than risk injury with bad form.


While there is no need to dress to impress, you do need to wear exercise clothes that are comfortable and right for your workout. Ideally, your clothes should be unrestrictive but supportive and layered so you can vent as you heat up. Footwear wise, it depends on the activity you are doing. But as a general rule of thumb, the more impact there is, the more supportive and shock-absorbing your shoes should be.


If you want to burn fat, it’s okay to exercise on an empty stomach but some people find they can exercise harder and longer after a small meal or snack. Experiment and see what approach works best for you. If you do choose to have a snack before you exercise, make sure it is easily digestible, contains some fast-acting carbohydrates and is as healthy as possible. A banana is a great pre-exercise snack while a doughnut is not.


Exercise causes water loss – both through sweat and exhaled water vapour. This water needs to be replaced; preferably as it’s lost. This means you’ll need to drink water before, during and after your workout. Ideally, you should be drinking around four pints of water a day plus and extra pint per 30 or so minutes of exercise. If it is especially warm, you may want to consume more than this. If your goal is weight loss, plain water is best as its calorie free.


You are only as fit as your last workout so if you want to get fitter or stronger, you need to try and work a little bit harder from one week to the next. An extra rep here, a little more weight there – it all goes to improving your fitness and health. If you only ever run a mile, that’s all your body will be able to do. Slowly but gradually increase the difficulty of your workouts and you’ll see your fitness levels improve. Don’t, and they’ll remain the same and, because your body has adapted to your routine and got stronger, you’ll burn fewer calories.


Avoid exercise boredom and stagnation by varying your routine. If you do the same workout over and over, all that happens is your body gets used to the workout and your fitness improvements stall. Change up your workout schedule every six to eight weeks to avoid getting stuck in an exercise rut.


Working out is only part of the fitness equation. You also need to eat well, get plenty of sleep, minimise stress, skip the cigarettes, watch your alcohol intake, and generally be good to yourself. Exercise is life enhancing but is not a band-aid for an otherwise unhealthy or risky lifestyle. No matter how many miles you run, you can’t outrun a bad lifestyle.
