Follow your passion
Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Dear Counselor, my parents are pushing me towards science subject yet I am stronger in arts. I get good grades in almost all art subjects but have trouble with math’s and science. They want to get a tutor and now even the little interest I had in science is gone. How can I get about this? Simon


There are many misconceptions among parents about the art world but it’s always advisable that you follow your passion. Art, like any other science career can be a great source of income and pride if you uplift your skills and display high levels of professionalism and maintain quality.  Your parents are imposing their dreams on you but not helping you achieve your dream. If you’re clashing with them about your career choice, there is need for serious dialogue with your parent about the significance of studying a course within your abilities and interests. This is what you need especially now that you’re successfully navigating through adulthood and you soundly recognise where your passion and abilities lay.  Conversely, how you choose to live your adult life should be your individual decision rather a parental obligation. Let your passion and abilities become your guiding principle in making your career choice because this should not be construed as a family coercion.

Win their trust and peruse what you love to do. This will however require a humble approach and good communicative skills so as to secure their attention and ultimately get their support. More importantly, focusing on the career of your interest will encourage you to invest a significant amount of energy and diligence to see it work out well. A good body of work speaks louder and may benefit you much better than grades got from a science course. Explain to your parents how the speed of a nation’s development is directly related to the quantity and quality of vocational art skills possessed by its workforce. The higher the quality of vocational skills, the faster society grows. You deserve to have quality education that fit extremely well into your interest and abilities in order for you to prove your worth in society, to maximize your potentials and to fully develop your talents. A good body of work speaks louder and may benefit you much better than grades got from science or mathematics. If you have the pass ion and the motivation to stay ahead of the game, then a creative art career can be an exciting and rewarding experience.

However, your parents’ resistance should not be seen as sabotaging your career plans. They feel they should protect your future and you have to forgive them for imposing science course. You must be sure to prove to them that you’ll emerge successful along the career line of your choice because this is all what your parents need out of you. It could turn out an exciting and rewarding experience with your passion and the motivation to stay ahead of the game. Learn how to approach them softly during their good mood and establish strong connection by being obedient and friendly to them so they could listen to you.

Their thoughts...

Joshua Mwidya, Business student Time has changed, it’s no longer reasonable to study something you are not passionate about or have zero interest in. You are mature now, it’s important that you sit down with your parents and have a discussion regarding your course and future career. Let them know that your passion is for arts and that’s what you wish to peruse even in future. -----

Janet Nshimire, Business student It might be hard to convince your parents on your own regarding your desired course. In my opinion, share this problem with your teachers, and ask them to help you talk to your parents. It’s true that parents have respect for teachers and can listen to them when it comes to students’ performance and right academic choices. -----

Mary Ingabire, student Please change your attitude towards sciences, and look at it as another course you can excel in. Your parents are willing to hire a tutor for you so that you catch up easily, and the best you can do is to embrace the opportunity and passion will follow you. Success is with in your reach, all you have to do is try harder. -----

Emma R. Khani, Designer Dear student ,please bear in mind that performing badly in maths and sciences doesn’t mean you can’t manage the course, it’s just a step at time. With hard work and a positive mindset about sciences you can achieve it. I agree that passion is the key, but at your level you can still study hard and make it. In academics you not only do what is simple for you; you try everything. -----

Next week’s problem Dear Counsellor, I’m having a hard time deciding the better option for me, boarding or day school. My parents want to keep me in day school but I really think boarding is the better option as this will take a load off their shoulders. How do I handle this? Fiona.