How to pair the right necklace with your neckline?
Wednesday, May 02, 2018

For women and ladies, accessories flush up their looks; necklaces can  enhance fashion or kill it depending on how you have matched it. When you do not pair the right necklace with the proper neckline, your look might be off, busy or exaggerated.

You have to think about elements like color, length, makeup, and hairstyle while choosing a necklace it is difficult trying to find the right accessory for a specific top or dress, what matters anyway is whether you can be able to match that necklace with your neckline.

When pairing a collar shirt with any kind of necklace, it is a bit tricky since it has a variety of choices, both a clustered and a bulky necklace can do. You can choose to button your shirt or leave it unbuttoned; it all looks good either way.

If the top or blouse is busy with polka dots or bold print or sequins, it is advisable to keep your necklace simple if your neckline is high. The high dipper neckline looks great with audacious jewelry.

When you have a plummeting or falling neckline, look for a necklace that falls just between your neck and neckline, if it is too high, it will leave a lot of space between the necklace and the top, however you also do not need a very long one because it will sit in between your boobs which might discomfort or spoil the look.

A necklace that is 14 inches is called a collar, such necklaces wrap firmly around the neck. They are finest worn with open necks.

Chokers range between 14 and 16 inches and are fittingly in the neck, they are very tight around the neck, they don’t disappoint since they can pair well with many necklines.

Shorter necklaces, like chokers, can shorten your neckline and make it more tricky to look stylish. Longer necklaces can expand your neckline and look fashionable in a larger number of necklines.choose both wisely.

For scoop necks, since they are popular as they pair well with a variety of necklaces, this is due to lot of neckline space to work with but for crew necklines, they are very common and can also be paired with a variety of necklaces.

Chokers would work well with strapless necklines, mind to get something that leaves space between the necklace and neckline as to not detract from your exposed body.

Avoid loud necklaces when you have a boat neck but rather try simple and elegant necklaces that don’t distract from the neckline.

If you have a V-neck, you can still look well without any necklaces especially for more casual situations.