Kabuye back home

The director of State protocol Rose Kabuye arrived in the country on Wednesday after a territorial extension of her bail by a French court. She jetted into the country accompanied by her husband and two of her children.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The director of State protocol Rose Kabuye arrived in the country on Wednesday after a territorial extension of her bail by a French court. She jetted into the country accompanied by her husband and two of her children.

She was quoted in the media as saying that she was happy to be back home and being with family again. She said that it was a great feeling and that she owed it to Rwandans who have stood by her side ever since her arrest. She added that it was not just her victory but the victory of Rwanda and Rwandans.

Kabuye also asserted that she is innocent and is ready to prove it. The development further helps to highlight the fact that the prosecution may be having a weak case and Kabuye is most likely going be proved innocent in court.

Kagame meets private sector leaders

The Presidential investors’ roundtable was held on Tuesday at Urugwiro Village. The discussions revolved around issues to do with doing business, and private sector development in the country.

The investors who met with the President presented him with issues including the progress in the implementation of last year’s resolutions and a summary of pending issues. The president is known for spearheading efforts to create a good environment for doing business in the country.

President Kagame and his family attended mass at Rwamagana Catholic Church to celebrate Christmas. He addressed the congregation that attended the mass presided over by Eastern Province Monsignor Kizito Bahusemihigo.

The President is quoted to have told the congregation that Christmas should also be an occasion for people to think about matters that concern improving their situation and advancing the country. He urged the worshipers to also use this time to think about the country’s future development.

Rujugiro dismisses UN report

tycoon Tribert Rujugiro this week dismissed the United Nations report of experts that alleges that he is one of the sponsors of the National Congress for the Defence of the People of Major General Laurent Nkunda currently fighting in eastern DR Congo.

The report said that he is one of the "individual financiers of CNDP”. However he dismissed the report as baseless and full of rumours and hearsay. He challenged the World body to provide proof for their allegations.

Rwanda aids Burundi

It was reported this week that Rwanda has earmarked about USD 1 billion to Burundi as financial aid for the southern neighbour’s contribution to the East African Community. 

The contribution was agreed upon at a recent summit of Heads of State where Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Kenya committed to contribute towards Burundi’s share to the EAC budget for financial years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009.

This was agreed upon after Burundi’s President Pierre Nkurunziza informed his counterparts that in the EAC that his country could only afford to pay US $ 1 Million this financial year, which is almost a third of what it, is expected to pay.

Few crimes reported during Christmas festivities

Christmas was celebrated with few crimes reported according to the Minister of internal security Sheik Musa Fazil Harelimana.

This was attributed to the community policing which involves people watching out for crime in their communities and informing police. The minister was quoted saying that the crimes reported were minimal compared to past years.
