Drew Barrymore calls Jake Gyllenhaal her least talented co-star

No amount of media training could have prepared Drew Barrymore or John Boyega for ‘The Late Late Show’s revealing game, Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts, on CBS last night. “None of us have seen these questions before,” James Corden reminded viewers.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

No amount of media training could have prepared Drew Barrymore or John Boyega for ‘The Late Late Show’s revealing game, Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts, on CBS last night. "None of us have seen these questions before,” James Corden reminded viewers. "What could possibly go wrong?” The players took turns quizzing each other, giving their opponent a chance to either answer their probe or eat something disgusting—like 1,000-year-old eggs, bird saliva, dried squid ice cream, fish eyes, giant water scorpion, jellyfish, sperm smoothie and turkey testicles.

When Barrymore was faced with eating a turkey testicle or ranking her co-stars’ talents, she had no problem sorting Hugh Grant, Jake Gyllenhaal and Adam Sandler, saying, "Jake Gyllenhaal, so I don’t have to eat a turkey’s ball.” Corden reminded her that she had to rank her co-stars—not simply name the least talented. "I literally am doing this because I won’t make it. I’m going to [vomit] all over the place. I would say, Adam, Hugh, Jake.” "I’m sorry, Jake,” Barrymore added. "It was the turkey testicle!”
