Riddle time

What is harder to catch the faster you run? Your breath

Tuesday, March 20, 2018
  1. What is harder to catch the faster you run? Your breath


  1. You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?                        A reflection


  1. Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I?                               The letter r


  1. I have many teeth and sometimes they’re fine, First I’m by your head, then I’m down your spine. What am I? What am I? A comb


  1. I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I? The wind


  1. I don’t have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I’m white and empty.



  1. What is it that goes up and goes down but does not move? The temperature


Compiled by Dennis Agaba