What can't you do without?

It’s Lent and while I’m not exactly observing it, I’m taking this time to cut back on certain things and in a month or so, I hope my life will be better, even just a little bit.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

It’s Lent and while I’m not exactly observing it, I’m taking this time to cut back on certain things and in a month or so, I hope my life will be better, even just a little bit.

Since most people fast during this period, I think I’ll give it a go too and by that, I don’t mean going without any food at all the entire day. Just skipping certain meals here and there.

I’m not big on breakfast since I’m usually rushing to get to work so for the next couple of weeks, I’m going to do without it altogether and have lunch and maybe some snacks for dinner. Now also seems like a good time to jump back on my Vegan diet.

I know it’s going to be hard because I love my meat, especially beef so we’ll see how long I can go on just veggies and lentils. My new mantra? "Sophie shall not live on meat alone.” Two other things I need to cut back on are coffee and sugar.

Coffee is easy since I’ve been on a Tea high for the last couple of years but you know how the aroma of coffee gets you to try it every now and then! As for the sugar, it’s tricky.

I wouldn’t say I have a sweet tooth but at the same time, I do indulge at times. There have been times I’ve eaten at least two packets of biscuits in one sitting and I was horrified.

I usually stay away from Cake, Chocolate and Ice Cream but when I have some, I suddenly crave more and it hurts my waistline and purse. Right now, I’m dying to have a giant cold Coke and I know once I give in, I’ll have two or three more! For my tea, I’ve tried honey and other healthier options for sweeteners but it’s just not the same as good old sugar.

One more thing I’m going to attempt to do away with is TV. I spend too much time on the couch when I should be doing more productive things with my time. No one pays me to watch their show or program and I think I need to take a hint from that. In my defense though, it’s not like I binge on Trash TV.

No offence to anyone who does. These past few days, I’ve been consumed with documentaries and crime shows and once I start watching, I just can’t stop.

I then start thinking of sub plots or how I’d solve the mystery myself and before I know it, it’s late and I have only a few hours to catch up on much needed sleep. I seriously need to work on this.

I’m curious to know what you can’t do without. Beer? Ribs? Betting? Feel free to share.