Health tips from my witty brother
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Experts says that one of the dangers to using too much sugar is that it feeds cancer cells making them grow 10 times faster than normal cells. Courtesy

My wise brother, barely 30 years of age, has stopped sugar intake and suggests reducing it and opting for fruits which give natural sugar, fiber and vitamins to stay healthy.

This way, we can beat its addictive property at the same time reducing blood sugar as the body gets it from other foods we eat like carbohydrates.

Quoting a popular doctor, he says sugar and wheat are not advisable and are a high risk for people who suffer from asthma as they could increase inflammation.

The doctor recommends foods like red onions, red apples, cherry, tomatoes, red grapes, and broccoli that are rich in an antioxidant called quercetin that helps with immunity.

When I was a little girl, I used to steal sugar like "Johny Johny" of the popular nursery rhyme and in my silliness, I wished we had a shop like our neighbor so I could get plenty of it.

Now I know better, but how would a good old cup of tea taste without sugar?

I occasionally bump into a birthday celebration, and I am enticed by the cake, which is also my choice for dessert when I eat out.

Having a sweet tooth, according to my disciplined brother increases our chances of getting terminal illnesses like diabetes or cancer (it is claimed that cancer cells survive mainly on one of the fermented fuels in our body such as sugar), especially if we do not exercise regularly.

He is known to take long treks over the weekends to keep fit while I opt for an occasional evening walk back home after work which I am trying to be more regular at.

Another recommendation from his findings is to use more vegetables in our meals and keep our gut healthier for it to properly regulate nutrients' absorption into our bloodstream.

He is specific on starting our meals with vegetables to enable the gut to do its job better.

Therefore, insist on veggies as your starter meal rather than wheat and meat snacks, processed drinks, etc., as the order of consumption can also make a difference.

Fortunately, veggies have been frequenting my plate, but I need to work on the order of eating them to maximise their benefit.

Another takeaway from my inspirational brother's advice concerns fasting and its benefits (I resonate well with this for spiritual purposes where we need to fast and pray for the grace to deal with difficult issues as per Mathew 17:21).

In an extract from his health related readings, he quoted, "I find fasting very important sometimes. Shorter period fasting helps reduce glucose levels as it triggers the body to use its stored fats. This can help in weight loss.

Quite interestingly, on the other hand, long period fasting (at least 18 hours or more) triggers our cells to start the self- destruction process known as autophagy to repair damaged cells. Isn't this amazing? The bad or damaged cells that can cause cancer and other diseases are repaired naturally.

It is like saying that if your cancer was diagnosed at the earliest possible stage and you fast for a couple of days (water fast), you could heal.

However, more research is still ongoing in this area and a Japanese scientist called Yoshinori Ohsumi won a Nobel Prize in 2016 for discovering the "Autophagy Mechanism", a fundamental process for degrading and recycling cellular components."

Disclaimer: This information is available online and should not be taken as a medical recommendation rather as a preventative health tip to be considered with your doctor's guidance.

My brother has taken it upon himself to check on me daily despite his demanding career, after we lost our older sister to cancer.

The youngest of the three siblings, he always had our admiration for his intelligence and discipline, which we all strived to maintain as a common trait from our late father.

He is an apt reader and lately he sends me daily tips for a longer life, which I found worth sharing.

I gave him my faith-based assurance that we will live a century.