You want to live a better life

Thursday, January 18, 2018

You want to live a better life

You want to be a better person

You always say I want to be exemplary to my peers and siblings; You wake up early and sleep late in the evening just to keep your candle burning.

Hanging with thugs that torture themselves with needles and spoons can’t bring any good to you

Just reflect on your life in the mirror

Perhaps you’ll realise how much your mom loves you and always pray for you.

I can tell that you have dreams to chase, and you already have the chance

To succeed and be what you crave for

Folks say you’re on the right path;

In case you lose strength

Just know we all look up to you.

Please say "no” to drugs

And be free from drug addiction

Forget about the past

Try to better your life with determination,

The future is in your hands.