Holland, Sweden, do the real suffering a favour

At the speed of lighting upon the release of the report of the group of experts on the DRC, submitted to the UN Security Council, the Dutch and Swedish governments announced punitive measures against the Rwandan government. While the mother body the European Union (EU), announced more support to the people of Rwanda, announcing that bi-lateral punitive actions by her two powerful members would not influence her love for the Rwandese. Now, here is the hilarious bit, both the Dutch and the Swedes, are major contributors to the overall EU budget.The disjointed body language in Brussels is worrisome, if not truly hilarious. Why the mixed signals? The EU itself is not sure of the evidence upon which the Swedes and the Dutch have imposed the new measures. An absolutely, confident EU, would just bite the bullet, go all the way, take all the necessary measures against Rwanda.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

At the speed of lighting upon the release of the report of the group of experts on the DRC, submitted to the UN Security Council, the Dutch and Swedish governments announced punitive measures against the Rwandan government.

While the mother body the European Union (EU), announced more support to the people of Rwanda, announcing that bi-lateral punitive actions by her two powerful members would not influence her love for the Rwandese.

Now, here is the hilarious bit, both the Dutch and the Swedes, are major contributors to the overall EU budget.The disjointed body language in Brussels is worrisome, if not truly hilarious. Why the mixed signals?

The EU itself is not sure of the evidence upon which the Swedes and the Dutch have imposed the new measures. An absolutely, confident EU, would just bite the bullet, go all the way, take all the necessary measures against Rwanda.

The lack of credible evidence in the UN report, only means that an EU Common Position, based on subjecting its contents to proper professional scrutiny would find few buyers in the 25 member body.

We do not wish to venture into the lack of political etiquette, in as far as observing available instruments that allow for a proper political dialogue process, to weigh the evidence and agree on remedies, as provided for in the Cotonou Agreement.

The failure by the EU itself to debate the report internally, democratically, kills any prospects of broader engagement in wider diplomatic circles. Consequently, the real problems at the root of the Congo crisis are not debated and dealt with wholesomely. 

Given the dismal attempts to portray Rwanda, internationally, as the real thug in the woes of the DR Congo people, emerging evidence, of arms destined for Zimbabwe, throws the spanner in the works, of this dubious agenda, against Rwanda.

The disputed report, has detailed evidence, of large quantities of weapons that continue to be shipped to Zimbabwe via the DRC. We are told of how shipments of AK-47 rounds, rocket-propelled grenades and hand grenades appear to be finding their way to Zimbabwe. Outrageous!

Both Sweden and Holland ‘esteemed’ vocal critics of the Mugabe regime remain silent. In order to cover up their mess both in Zimbabwe and the eastern DR Congo, the two are content with punitive action against Rwanda. 

Arms are destined for Zimbabwe to slaughter innocent civilians, Zimbabweans not Rwandese. The Human Rights Watch in a recent report, also gives evidence of the slaughter of political opponents taking place in Kinshasa.

Rwandeses are enjoying their hard earned freedom, reconciliation and peace, perhaps too proud to survive on alms. The people suffering are Congolese and Zimbabweans.

The real disservice here is against the poor, traumatised Congolese and Zimbabweans, as they continue to be bludgeoned by uncaring elites. Then we are told the problem is in Rwanda, my foot!
