[EDITORIAL] Into New Year: So much to celebrate, look forward to

As we usher in the New Year, it seem fitting to celebrating 2017. It was an eventful year. It opened up Rwanda to the world by hosting 169 international conferences and meetings and of course the African Union Summit.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

As we usher in the New Year, it seem fitting to celebrating 2017. It was an eventful year. It opened up Rwanda to the world by hosting 169 international conferences and meetings and of course the African Union Summit.

President Kagame bowed to popular pressure and accepted to extend his mandate. True to form, the electorate translated their wish in an overwhelming vote that put an end to foreign critics who thought they knew what was best for Rwanda.

The country needed continuity and stability and Rwandans had the last word and decided.

Many high profile figures visited, the Tour du Rwanda cycling event gained even more stature and the country’s national football team again qualified for the CHAN finals.

All in all it has been a fruitful year, the economy has continued to expand, anyone can visit the country without prior application for a visa and the seemingly innocent Shisha was given the red card. A policy that was quickly emulated by Kenya though it was just as quickly challenged in court.

Politically and regionally Rwanda continued to mind its business in an environment that always seemed to be tilting to the edge, and our peacekeepers continued to spread hope in what seemed hopeless societies.

The Rwanda Patriotic Front–Inkotanyi, celebrated its 30th anniversary, still the same vigourous and focused organisation that has nurtured most of our leadership and generation. And the drive and determination is still alive.

2018 will definitely bring new challenges that will need more efforts in mitigating them. The same will, foresightedness and daring to dream big will be needed in good measure this coming year.

Happy New Year.