[Editorial] Habyarimana shooting spectacle has dragged on long enough

The French judicial circus has gone on a short break for the third time. The inquiry into the shooting down of the plane carrying former President Juvenal Habyarimana in April 1994 has been going on for more than a decade, and every time it has been brought to a conclusion, some dark forces always come back at the 25th hour with new “eye witnesses” of the attack.

Friday, December 22, 2017

The French judicial circus has gone on a short break for the third time. The inquiry into the shooting down of the plane carrying former President Juvenal Habyarimana in April 1994 has been going on for more than a decade, and every time it has been brought to a conclusion, some dark forces always come back at the 25th hour with new "eye witnesses” of the attack.

The motive has always been to place blame on the Rwanda Patriotic Front’s lap, and every time the attempt flops, a cabal of former senior French officials and some architects of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi again dip their hands into their bag of deceit.

Whenever the investigating judge gives notice that there were no grounds to indict former RPF officials and all plausible evidence points to the direction hardliners in Habyarimana’s camp, Genocide deniers, discredited academics and genocidaires’ cheerleaders shift into gear and start flogging dead horses again.

The whole comedy has reached the apex of ridiculousness and brought the French justice system into disrepute and it is amazing– if not mind blowing – that they keep up with the whole drama.

The whole Habyarimana spectacle has always been aimed at blackmailing Rwanda.

If the French and other parties with vested interests really want to get to the bottom of the Habyarimana’s saga, then they should open the French archives concerning the matter. The fact that they have gone to elaborate measures to prevent the opening of the archives is an indication that they have something to hide.