I get nauseous when I take cold drinks

I feel nauseous whenever I take very cold drinks. Do I have reason to worry or this is just a natural body reaction?

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dear Doctor,

I feel nauseous whenever I take very cold drinks. Do I have reason to worry or this is just a natural body reaction? Ivanka

Dear Ivanka,

Cold beverages go through the stomach quickly, hence do not aid in digestion. If one sips them simultaneously with bites of food, the digestive juices are, "washed away”, with the drink, hence food is subsequently digested poorly. This can result in nausea and feeling of bloating of the stomach due to flatulence.

Soda or carbonated beverages can cause gas and bloating in the stomach. Very cold beverages, especially those with a lot of sugar, cause uncomfortable feelings and even nausea when consumed on an empty stomach. Sodas, particularly those with sugar, also have a high acid content. This also contributes to nausea. Beer and other alcohol containing beverages cause irritation of the inner lining of the stomach, causing intense nausea with or without vomiting. As such, these beverages have no nutritional value and should not be taken on a regular basis. If at all necessary, it is better to take the drink at room temperature, rather than chilled one. Also one should avoid drinking while eating.