Leadership has never been about size

Editor, RE: “Rwanda not too small to provide global leadership” (The New Times, November 26).

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


RE: "Rwanda not too small to provide global leadership” (The New Times, November 26).

Leadership has never been about size of individual, institution or person and their ages or longevity, but a question of attitude, individual charisma and therefore ability to influence others to accept and make your vision theirs, it is about the degree of personal empathy and determination to make a positive difference in the circumstances of others.

Leadership is not always formal, or derived from institutional authority but often comes from others recognising in the individual the kinds of personal qualities that make them want to follow your lead.

While truly exceptional leadership involves an extraordinary knack for communication (thus the charisma), it is neither loud nor ostentatious. It just seems to get things done without drama.

Mwene Kalinda