Children share ideas on how to prevent malnutrition in children

Many children don’t choose what they eat, and thus it remains the responsibility of their parents to ensure that they are free from malnutrition related problems. This can be done by teaching people about malnutrition; its causes, effects and treatment. With this knowledge mothers can ensure that their children eat and grow healthy.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Desire Nyandwi 

Desire Nyandwi, 14 years old

Many children don’t choose what they eat, and thus it remains the responsibility of their parents to ensure that they are free from malnutrition related problems.

This can be done by teaching people about malnutrition; its causes, effects and treatment.

With this knowledge mothers can ensure that their children eat and grow healthy.

Alexander Harerimana, 14 years old

Alexander Harerimana, 14 years old

We learned in class that the best medicine to any disease is prevention.

Eating a balanced diet is the first prevention measure.

Parents should ensure that their children take proper meals, containing all nutrients to avoid malnutrition.


Keria Beza 

Keria Beza, 12 years old

From my understanding, malnutrition is caused by lack of vitamins and food nutrients in the body, mainly due to poor feeding.

So in my opinion, it’s good to ensure that we eat foods rich in vitamins and other nutrients to be on a safe side.

Besides, it’s important to check on our daily feeding.

Sonia Uwineza 

Sonia Uwineza, 12 years old

Besides proper feeding, it’s good that children go for regular medical check-up to ensure that they are experiencing normal growths and treat any signs of malnutrition in the early stage.

Milk is one of the best foods that prevents malnutrition.