As a child, what’s the most important life value to you? Children share experiences


Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Jacky Murekatete

Discipline is a must-have life value for all children. Our teacher once told us that discipline in life has many benefits like helping us to remain focused, stay healthy and avoid problems. I believe that discipline is the foundation of academic success, talent discovery and development. So in my opinion, an exemplary child should have discipline as number one life value.

Jacky Murekatete, 14




Helping others/charity is an important value that every child should find interest in. Everyone needs help one way or the other. As children, it’s very important to have a spirit of helping one another, especially those who are vulnerable so that we all move together towards the development we hope for.

Christian Nsengiyumva, 15



There is no better value than patriotism. A child should be patriotic about their nation, and this should not only stop on love for his/her motherland, but should also extend to working hard and being passionate about anything that would lead one’s nation to prosperity.

Jacques Nshimiyimana, 15


Sylvia Uwera

Be it at home or school, we have been taught the importance of unity and working together. Thus I see working hand in hand with others to achieve our desired goals as one of the most important life values. Also, teamwork makes it easy to get tasks accomplished quickly, and fosters love and unity.

Sylvia Uwera, 14 years old