Does diet contribute to breast cancer?

Diet does not contribute directly to breast cancer, nor does any kind of diet prevent it absolutely. However, a high fat diet can cause obesity, which is a risk factor for breast cancer. More fat cells, make more estrogen, which is a risk factor for breast cancer. Lack of exercise coupled with a high fat diet augments the risk.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Diet does not contribute directly to breast cancer, nor does any kind of diet prevent it absolutely. However, a high fat diet can cause obesity, which is a risk factor for breast cancer. More fat cells, make more estrogen, which is a risk factor for breast cancer. Lack of exercise coupled with a high fat diet augments the risk.

Therefore it is important for a woman to maintain a healthy diet to keep the body weight within normal limits. The normal body weight depends on height, weight and level of physical activity in adults. The diet should include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish and milk products. If one does not like milk products, it can be substituted by soya products.

Diet becomes an important consideration in a woman suffering from breast cancer. One does not feel hungry due to the chronic illness, anorexia is further caused by the treatment, whether radiation or chemotherapy. Nausea and or vomiting compound the problem. All these factors lead to poor intake and weakness. The body needs necessary calories and nutrients.

Therefore it is necessary for the affected woman to have frequent small meals. The diet should be balanced. As such there is no restriction on any kind of food, unless one has a chronic problem like hypertension, diabetes, e.t.c. needing special diets.

But if possible high amount of fats and white sugar can be avoided. Fatty diet does provide calories but also carries the risk of raising lipids in the blood, which is a risk factor for hypertension and heart problems. Calories can also be obtained from carbohydrates like potatoes and other tubers.

White sugar has no nutritional value and only adds to calories. Moreover these kinds of foods are filling. When one consumes them, she feels full and is unable to take any other nutritious food. In between meals, it is advisable to take healthy snacks, fresh fruits or fresh fruit juice, yoghurt, e.t.c.