Tesla cannot be Africa's saviour

Editor, RE: “Let’s call Tesla to Africa’s power rescue” (The New Times, October 7). Mr Mwaura is right when he says that solar energy can solve our energy deficiency. However, Tesla will not come to rescue us but perpetuate the outflow of dollars from the (our) countries mentioned in the last paragraph.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


RE: "Let’s call Tesla to Africa’s power rescue” (The New Times, October 7). Mr Mwaura is right when he says that solar energy can solve our energy deficiency. However, Tesla will not come to rescue us but perpetuate the outflow of dollars from the (our) countries mentioned in the last paragraph.

Tesla will not come to the developing world with the purpose of reversing the unequal exchange that exists between the West and those countries. Haven’t you heard them say that it is them first and we last? There are many other countries that have solar technology that is much cheaper than what you will get from the West.
