What are the risks of alcohol use in old age

My dad is 72 but he is a heavy drinker. What health risks does he face because for now he is still fit?

Sunday, October 08, 2017

My dad is 72 but he is a heavy drinker. What health risks does he face because for now he is still fit? Musoni

Dear Musoni,

It is good to know that your dad is fit, though plus 70 years. But if he is a heavy drinker, he is exposing himself to multiple health hazards caused due to alcohol on the various parts of body.

Alcohol is directly toxic to the brain and nervous system. It can upset the center for balance in the brain, causing difficulty in walking and working. The nerve responsible for vision as well as the center for vision in brain can be damaged directly, causing impaired vision and even blindness. Over time, due to chronic and persistent brain damage, one can develop forgetfulness, lack of self care and loss of cognitive senses. Tingling, numbness, feeling abnormally hot/cold, impaired or loss of sensation can occur due to damage to the peripheral nerves.

Heart is also directly damaged by use of alcohol. It is a known risk factor for causing high blood pressure, heart failure and heart attacks. Alcohol causes rise of bad lipids which further aggravates the cardiac problems. it increases the risk of clotting, which can lead to stroke, manifesting as paralysis of part of or entire one half of body including face. There may be other associated neurological problems like loss of speech, convulsions, e.t.c.

The digestive system is equally harmed. Alcohol directly irritates the inner lining of the food pipe and stomach, causing nausea and or vomiting and peptic ulcer. Long term use of alcohol is a risk factor for stomach cancer. Cells of the lungs can be damaged increasing susceptibility to develop problems like aspiration pneumonia.

Liver detoxifies alcohol from the body in major part. Hence major brunt of alcohol intake is borne by the liver. In early stages, there is fat deposition inside liver cells, which can be reversed if one stops drinking. However as one continues to drink, the liver cells are further damaged and then start getting eventually destroyed. This manifests as cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer can occur as a sequel.

There may be sterility and sexual impotence, which becomes quiet worrying for a man. The face and hands seem warm and flushed due to widening of blood vessels.

Hence there are multiple health hazards of drinking alcohol and benefits regarding health none. Therefore it is always better to quit alcohol. But somebody habituated to it, finds it difficult to quit. He/she can suffer from sleeplessness, anxiety and tremulousness develop, when a person used to taking alcohol does not take it for more than 48 hours. Thus a vicious cycle is formed, where the person is compelled to take alcohol again, adding on the damage caused to the body.