Reprimand errant city law enforcers

It is more than a question of lawsuits. If these allegations are true, then you have the commission of even a greater crime (misappropriation by public officials of lawfully seized items, i.e. public property/evidence of transgressions against the law) than the one the seizure was intended to address.

Monday, August 28, 2017


RE: "City law enforcers wear clothes they confiscate from us, say street vendors complain” (The New Times, August 22).

It is more than a question of lawsuits. If these allegations are true, then you have the commission of even a greater crime (misappropriation by public officials of lawfully seized items, i.e. public property/evidence of transgressions against the law) than the one the seizure was intended to address.

Such behaviour, if true, will invariably bring the law and government into disrepute and needs to be stamped out with dispatch, with exemplary sanctions against those involved.

Mwene Kalinda