Polls: Why share report with people who don't believe in our democracy?

RE: “Electoral observers present report to Chief Justice” (The New Times, August 9).

Friday, August 11, 2017
Chief Justice Sam Rugege (L) receiving a report on last week's presidential elections from Amokon Eba, the head of the Electoral Observers Mission from African Diaspora in Europe, ....


RE: "Electoral observers present report to Chief Justice” (The New Times, August 9).

Fantastic news! Word of advice: forget sharing the report with anyone other than African entities. Everyone else already knows and expected the process to be smooth. And they hated it from the get-go. And that is precisely why they did not send observers. Yet they hurried to "observe" Kenya's elections. They already knew the outcome. Just like we all did.

A well functioning African system doesn't inspire them. It frightens them. So I personally beg Mr. Eba to save his time and energy and only share their experiences with non-Western think tanks.

Ali Rukariza