Why do I always get fired?

I dropped out of school after my uncle who was paying for my education passed on. I have moved from home to home and worked for all sorts of families but something always happens and I’m sent away.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Dear Counsellor,

I dropped out of school after my uncle who was paying for my education passed on. I have moved from home to home and worked for all sorts of families but something always happens and I’m sent away. A couple of months ago, I found employment with a couple who asked me to look after their two-year-old kid. My boss is a young lady in her 20s but her husband is in his mid-30s. They loved me at the start, and the husband always complimented my work. He said he was happy that I’m taking good care of the baby. He even raised my salary from Rwf20, 000 to 30,000. But now the wife says l should leave. I don’t know what to do. l have been so happy in this home because they loved me so much. What am I doing wrong? Am I just unlucky? l humbly asked her why she wanted me to leave and that if I’d done anything wrong I was truly sorry. I am ready to correct my mistakes. The husband told her this morning in my presence that it was going be hard to get a good maid but she insisted that I leave. He, however, cannot do much because issues of maids are his wife’s business and he doesn’t want to interfere any more than he has to. Am I cursed? Will I ever get employment?
