Youth have no reason to shun politics

Editor, RE: “Young people cannot be a generation of ‘ba ntibindeba’” (The New Times, June 23).

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


RE: "Young people cannot be a generation of ‘ba ntibindeba’” (The New Times, June 23).

The idea actually is to encourage those among the majority who detest politics for its negative stone-throwing reputation not to stand aloof from politics in order not to leave it as the preserve of the more destructive tendency in our society.

To ensure, as President Kagame has advised, that such ‘ntibindeba’ attitude of our youth does not end up leaving politics for those who might return us to the kind of bad ‘leadership’ (for lack of a better term) that led us to 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

As the President warned, you may wish to avoid politics, but bad politics will not spare you. In deed ‘ba ntibindeba’ need to rethink their apolitical stance to avoid finding out later that their standoffish decision had extremely fatal consequences for themselves, those they love and the welfare of their entire society.

Mwene Kalinda