Engage your parents about your career dreams

There is an effective alignment between one’s career dream and life success. If you’re clashing with your parents and friends about your career choice, there is need for serious dialogue with your parent about the significance of studying ICT as it has become an integral part of everyday life both to males and the females.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

There is an effective alignment between one’s career dream and life success. If you’re clashing with your parents and friends about your career choice, there is need for serious dialogue with your parent about the significance of studying ICT as it has become an integral part of everyday life both to males and the females. Don’t base your decisions on whether or not people undermine girls’ abilities because today there is increasing evidence that girls are doing as well as boys in many aspects of life once exposed to the same academic requirements. The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

All you have to do is to choose a career based on your interests, talents and ability since your dreams and your actions define you and once you concentrate on the career of your interest, you’ll be bound to live more engaged, motivated and self-driven. As a matter of fact, we are living in a constantly evolving digital world. ICT has an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives – from working to socialising, networking, accessing knowledge and living a healthier, wealthier and happier life. The digital age has typically transformed the way people live as it is one of the economic development pillars to gain national competitive advantage. Explain to your parents how the speed of a nation’s development is directly related to the quantity and quality of ICT skills possessed by its workforce.

It’s intellectually stimulating and opens up many fascinating opportunities for you to explore unique academic, social and economical heights in life. Net working opportunities get much closer as you connect with like-minded people who are all equally ambitious and passionate about ICT. You deserve to have equal rights and quality education in order for you to prove your worth in society, to maximise your potential and to fully develop your talents to be an important contributor to mankind. How you choose to live your adult life should be your individual decision rather but not under coercion or parental influence. Let your passion and abilities become your guide, not family obligations.

You will need time to think carefully about your interests and skills and possible directions that will bring balance between your career goals and life victory. The future labour market needs you to be equipped with the contemporary ICT skills to prepare you for in-demand self employment and job creation. Therefore, your parents have to recognise the significance of your career interest and accord you with the desired attention and support you deserve. This will however require a humble approach and good communicative skills so as to secure their attention and ultimately get their support. This is your life, your journey and your happiness, so own it and make it clear that you won’t sway from your dream. Wish you success.