How often should I deworm?

I keep getting skin irritation and some people have suggested that it’s because I haven’t dewormed in a while. How often should one deworm? David

Monday, June 26, 2017

I keep getting skin irritation and some people have suggested that it’s because I haven’t dewormed in a while. How often should one deworm? David

Dear David,

Worm infestation usually occurs due to use of contaminated food or water. If food hygiene is maintained very well, chances of worm infestation are reduced. However if one has confirmed presence of worms in body(like passing worms in stool or positive stool examination), he can use antihelmenthic tablets like albendazole or mebendazole once in 6 months. However it can be taken, even if there is a strong suspicion of worm infestation.

One should know that any deworming drug clears worms from the body at that time. But if there is re-exposure due to poor food hygiene, worms can enter the body again. Therefore prevention lies in maintaining good hygiene while cooking, serving and eating food. One should drink clean.

Worm infestation does cause skin rashes and itching. But that can be due to several other causes as well. Eczema due to allergy, fungal infections, a dry skin, e.t.c. all these can cause skin irritation. Exposure to dust or harsh chemicals can also cause a dry skin and itching. Genetic predisposition also exists. If there is worm infestation, there would be associated problems like stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry cough, e.t.c. one or more of these symptoms.