Open up to your relative

Considering the factor of duty and responsibility, different parents and guardians often assign some quantity of home chores to their kids to prepare them for more advanced responsibilities when they turn adults.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Considering the factor of duty and responsibility, different parents and guardians often assign some quantity of home chores to their kids to prepare them for more advanced responsibilities when they turn adults. Indeed children need guidance, support or information from adults so they can learn how to be responsible because being responsible is a key to every child’s success both in school and in the larger world when they grow up. However, if the domestic chores  become too much and begin to infringe on the child’s fundamental rights to education, parental care and play, it results into child labour. Child labour is work that harms children or keeps them away from attending school or makes them deteriorate academically. It is also a waste of a child’s talents and potential. This is unacceptable since it causes irreversible physical, psychological and moral impact on the development, health and well-being of a child’s life

With the help of constructive and sustainable solutions of dialogue and negotiation, an end to this kind of exploitation can be achieved. You might not be able to cut back on all of your chores, but you can come to a compromise once you apply a polite approach and ask them to cut down on the chores. You can try negotiating with your guardian to see if you can trade other hard work for the chores you have. Find time when both of you are relaxed and say "Aunt, I know you work really hard for me and I really appreciate that, but I was wondering if I can have a few less chores so I would save some time for my homework and catch up with school time”.

Try to have a positive, open relationship with your relative by respecting and loving them and do your best to stay out of trouble both at school and at home by abiding by rules and regulations. Impress your guardian and show them that you are a hard worker and don’t scream or whine but rather stay calm during your discussion. If these relatives notice you are good, they might be less likely to want to give you heavy chores.

Alternatively, explain the issue to your parents so they can respectfully talk to your relatives about the situation on your behalf. Their approach should be so humble and respectful so that it’s not construed as an attack of blame. Your relative should be able to avoid the harmful consequences of heavy domestic work and avail time for your homework, social life and other academic assignments. On the other hand, this should be a great motivator for you to work hard and improve your academic performance and soon you’ll enjoy a fully independent and cheerful future life without their control once you successfully complete your education.