
This week’s focus is on various topics that will help children develop their minds and bodies. It is necessary that children learn what is important in life and get disciplined in these aspects.

Monday, December 01, 2008

This week’s focus is on various topics that will help children develop their minds and bodies. It is necessary that children learn what is important in life and get disciplined in these aspects.

Important life lessons like knowing how unique God has created you and appreciating your value as a child will boost your self confidence.

As you read this issue, meet Sarah Uwera, the winner of the art competition that highlighted on eliminating violence against women.

Also, you will discover why music is an important tool for any child’s development. This is why most schools teach young children how to sing as a way of making them memorise different topics.

Music is also a method used to pass on information. See how the children of Rwanda used music at the Annual Pediatric Conference to say no to HIV/Aids.

Also in order to remain physically fit, regular physical exercising is the answer. This does not require mathematics to understand, all children have to do is simply make time to play with friends and also eat all the fruits and vegetables that mom cooks.

I encourage you to enjoy your life as a child and know that you are valued and important.
