Why the AU financing mechanism must work

Donald Trump’s America and its World Trade Organisation (WTO) should and will not stop Africa’s efforts towards self-reliance. And, Mauritius should pay the equivalent of the levy, is that an issue? If a country does not want to pay then African Union (AU) should show it the exit door. This AU must work or get destroyed.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Donald Trump’s America and its World Trade Organisation (WTO) should and will not stop Africa’s efforts towards self-reliance.

And, Mauritius should pay the equivalent of the levy, is that an issue? If a country does not want to pay then African Union (AU) should show it the exit door. This AU must work or get destroyed.

If it is there to serve Western interests then let’s dump it to the garbage. If treaties and WTO are against our interests then let’s renegotiate them. If a country like Mauritius decides to have a duty free regime, no problem.

It can still pay the equivalent amount or quit AU.

So America is putting pressure on African governments as usual to intimidate them? Well, after seing how the US has been bullying the world, especially Africa, I can’t understand why our governments would listen to them.

We, the people of Africa, are watching you our leaders.

You fail this, you fail us all. There will be no more hope. Our continent will be doomed. I am therefore counting on our new pan-Africanst leaders and I have trust they will stand firm.

Kam Koro

Editor’s note: In July last year, the African Union adopted a self-financing mechanism whereby a 0.2 per cent levy on eligible imports would be imposed on products from outside Africa.

Implementation of the directive is expected to begin in January next year but World Trade Organisation (WTO) has written to member countries, complaining that the move is not entirely compatible with its principles.