Trump can’t help himself

I’m starting to think Donald Trump doesn’t really want the presidency. I think he has realized that it’s not that rewarding or even if it is, there’re many times you can’t have your way and for someone whose previous job was hiring and firing people at will, that must be hard to deal with.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

I’m starting to think Donald Trump doesn’t really want the presidency. I think he has realized that it’s not that rewarding or even if it is, there’re many times you can’t have your way and for someone whose previous job was hiring and firing people at will, that must be hard to deal with. Just weeks in, Trump seems to be racing down a self-destructing path.

I know he has aides and he’s either not listening to them or they’re not doing a good job advising him on what a President should and shouldn’t do. Former US Presidents stated many times that the job is perhaps the most stressful and seeing how much grey hair and worry lines Barack Obama got during his tenure, it probably is true and yet Trump seems relaxed about the job. I think he spends just about the same, if not more time on Social Media than the average American and that’s troubling.

You want your president to be open but not too open. There’s a lot he says that regular people don’t really need to know about. Like this back and forth with his predecessor. I’m sure he has his number and he could have just called him to straighten things out.

He also seems to be stuck in campaign mode. I don’t understand why he still feels the need to hold rallies now that he’s in power and the next election is three years away.

The gloating bothers me too because it’s not like he won a landslide. There are as many people who didn’t vote for him as those who did. His supporters must be pleased he’s keeping his campaign promises but he can do it without spiting his opponents. It’s no secret that Trump likes to brag and rub it in your face and that’s the problem.

The "Moslem Travel” could have been handled a lot better. Instead of signing the executive order that has since been struck down, he could have just sat down with intelligence officials and diplomats to come up with more effective vetting methods for US-bound travellers instead of his very divisive tone that drew widespread ire.

Same goes for his criticism of the media for obsessing over his ties to Russia and then he turns around and makes explosive claims that people just can’t ignore. Obama is not perfect but he’s fairly decent and Trump could have benefited from his counsel even after all the conspiracies Trump instigated about his predecessor being a Muslim and not a "true” American.

Then there’s the subject of his family. You can’t parade your children at State Dinners and have them sit in on high profile government deliberations and not expect people to call it nepotism.

His Cabinet picks are another issue. Even if you’re indebted to someone, you wait for the dust to settle before returning any favours, especially for individuals with questionable connections. But hey, what do I know about the business of politics!