[Editorial] Ensure community ownership of early childhood devt centres

Following the adoption of the national Early Childhood Development (ECD) policy in 2011, such centres have increasingly sprung up in different parts of the country, with government, UNICEF and other partners particularly playing a major role in setting up such facilities in the countryside.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Following the adoption of the national Early Childhood Development (ECD) policy in 2011, such centres have increasingly sprung up in different parts of the country, with government, UNICEF and other partners particularly playing a major role in setting up such facilities in the countryside.

Just this week, a new ECD centre opened its doors to the communities in the rural Muhororo Sector in Ngororero District, Western Province.

The centres, according to UNICEF, offer "holistic development of all children through the provision of integrated health, nutritional, early stimulation and learning, and protection services to families, communities and children”.

So far, there are at least 11 early childhood development centres in 11 districts that host more than 6000 children in total.

These centres are not only a critical tool to enhance children’s growth, including their cognitive, emotional and social development, but they are also safety nets as far as nutrition and security are concerned.

They are also important in the government’s efforts to fight poverty and promote prosperity as parents – particularly women – are afforded a chance to go about their work, whether on the farmland or otherwise, to develop their families.

But these childhood development centres also introduce children to schooling early on in their life, equipping them with basic arithmetical and reading skills before starting formal education.

Importantly, there are other social benefits that these centres offer: learning how to relate with other children, lessening the possibility of kids ending up on the street because of lack of proper care at home, as well as enhanced social cohesion and a sense of common identity and shared destiny among both the parents of these toddlers and the children themselves.

That these centres are taking care of children in their formative years is very critical to the country’s future as they play a key role in shaping these children into responsible citizens in the future.

The significance of these centres cannot be overemphasized. We hope that more will continue to be set up and impact the lives of Rwandans.

That said, there is need to ensure that these centres are professionally run and that communities they serve do not only understand the concept but also own it.

These centres should also offer job and market opportunities to the communities around them.

Communities need to be empowered so they can actively partake in the running and maintenance of these facilities and to see to it that they can sustain them on their own in the future.