Trump has earned the wrath of mainstream media

RE: “Blame animosity towards Trump on US mainstream media” (The New Times, February 25).

Monday, March 06, 2017


RE: "Blame animosity towards Trump on US mainstream media” (The New Times, February 25).

With respect, Seth could not be more wrong about the media’s reporting about Trump. It is he and his administration who thrive on lying to the American public and the legitimate news sources, like CNN, are doing vital and necessary work to bring transparency to the most mendacious president in all of US history.

I urge him not to be so easily convinced that CNN et al are involved in "fake news.”

If the American public is denied the truth as they are reporting, it will be a very short time before Trump and his cronies become fascist dictators. Please note that by writing this, I am not defending the Western media’s treatment of African leaders and issues.

There’s no question that the West is at best "under-educated” about African affairs.
