Is Trump right about the media after all?

Given how the same mainstream media have themselves abusively trafficked in ‘alternative facts’, creating ‘news’, instead of merely reporting it (and sometimes with tragic consequences) - with arrogance and abandon - I have a hard time feeling even an iota of sympathy for them, at all.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


RE: "Trump and the rebirth of press freedom” (The New Times, February 18)

Given how the same mainstream media have themselves abusively trafficked in ‘alternative facts’, creating ‘news’, instead of merely reporting it (and sometimes with tragic consequences) - with arrogance and abandon - I have a hard time feeling even an iota of sympathy for them, at all.

Maybe in Trump they have finally met their match. I certainly hope so, for it couldn’t happen to people who, as a collective, deserve it more.

I had stopped watching, listening to or reading anything they were pushing, knowing much of it was agenda-driven drivel. Now, however, I might start watching for the entertainment pleasure of seeing them cut down to size: "No, sit down. I won’t give you a question. You are fake news!”

Pure music to my ears!

Mwene Kalinda