Not too late for Malawi to make the right call

Editor, Re: Legal framework impedes extradition of Rwandan Genocide suspect from Malawi (The New Times, February 15)

Monday, February 20, 2017


Re: Legal framework impedes extradition of Rwandan Genocide suspect from Malawi (The New Times, February 15)

Many Western states (Canada, the US, the Netherlands, Sweden, etc. none of which have extradition treaties with Rwanda) have extradited Genocide suspects to Rwanda for trial without applying such a highly legalistic approach to this question.

It depends on what the Malawian judicial authorities consider really important: Ensure justice for the multitude of victims of genocide whose murders this man is credibly accused of, or provide a haven to a suspected genocidaire despite the fact he obtained residence in the country (and its citizenship) by fraudulent means?

The onus is really on Malawi to show that it will not allow its laws to be abused for the benefit of someone suspected of involvement in mass murder.

We hope Lilongwe will make the right choice; a choice that is aligned with the superior interest of justice for people massacred so atrociously for no other reason other than who they were born as.

Mwene Kalinda